Update 11: Saturday 11th August 2007

Today Rose's Tribute Fund hit a fantastic £4,000!

With just 14 days to go till the start of the BritBallRun it was great to see us growing ever closer to our target!

Things are very busy in the world of Team SMARTies right now! This week has been 'press week', hopefully as articles are printed we'll be able to place them here for you all to see!

A few other things happening over the next 14 days...

* In the week leading up to the BritBallRun we hope to have a page on the website with details on how you can follow our progress and even send us messages over the 3 days.

* Decisions will be made this week about the layout of either a leaflet or business card that we hope to be able to give to people we meet during our travels.

* Press interviews and photo shoots will be completed and articles printed.

* Ballgowns and suits will be collected and Andrew will begin his battle to fit everything we need into the car!

All these things and many more will keep us busy right up until we set off on Saturday 25th August!

On a more personal note...

Some days I find I am getting totally lost in the organising of so many things! My 'to do' list seems to grow and grow and there are even times when I feel 'stressed out'. But, after one phone call this week I took some time out to 'refocus'...

As many of you are aware I haven't been in the best of health for sometime now. When Andrew asked me in December 2006 if I would like to join him on the BritBallRun, without hesitation, I said yes. After a stay in hospital I was left housebound for the first few months of this year, setting up this website and putting all my energy into fundraising helped me feel that I had a purpose, that there was something for me to get up for each day.

During a conversation with a journalist this week I suddenly became aware that this 'platform' we were being given wasn't just a way to raise awareness of our fundraising. More importantly, it was a way to allow those reading/listening/watching to get to know this beautiful smiling girl...

From the very beginning this was what I wanted more than anything, to keep Rose's smiling face in the hearts and minds of all who read about her and I am so grateful for every opportunity we have been given to do just that.

So, as you watch us creeping ever closer to our £5,000 target I'd like to ask you to just stop for a moment and take a look at this Beautiful Angels smile...

Now that's what this is all about!

All the best,

Team SMARTies
Donate at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope everything goes well with all your preparations,it's fantastic that you are so well on the way to your target of £5,000,for such a good cause, I'm sure you will reach it and beyond,in the memory of your friend.
Remember to take very good care of yourself as well as everything else, will, be following your progress in the rally with great interest,wishing you and the rest of your team all the best of luck.
Lots of love,
Susan T.